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The world landmark Yogyakarta

Enjoy the tour in the World Landmark Yogyakarta 

Volcano Park of Yogyakartalocate in Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman. Volcano Park of Yogyakarta since 25 June 2017. Although it is very new, this tourist attraction bustling immediately deluged by visitors. How does, not only present an exotic mountain views, you can see the unique world famous landmarks. Like, the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pizza, Big Ben, Molen windmill De Gooyer and many more other replica. Recommended for you who like the photos

It not only provides a cool photo spot, this destination was also decorated with a beautiful flower garden. The air is fresh with some corroboration of any tree is ready to be a shady umbrellas when the heat seared. The good news, in the Volcano Park will complement other rides that surely would satisfy its visitors. The plan, tourist attractions on the slopes of Mount Merapi this will come with a botanical garden, waterpark and also a replica garden wildlife. Wow, must designate the more lively!.

In addition to touring and the photograph alongside landmarks in Merapi volcano Park, you can visit all of Merapi volcano Museum. Not just look at the range of objects that become a silent witness of Merapi eruption, you also designate menadapatkan a lot of science here. Not to worry, the layout of the museum not far from the Merapi volcano Park. In fact both are in one contiguous location.

Location and ticket prices in the Volcano Park of Yogyakarta-The World Landmark

The World Landmarks Merapi Parks located in JL. Kaliurang km. 22, village of Hargobinangun, Pakem district, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta special region. These sights can be reached for 45 – 60 minutes from Yogyakarta city. Attractions in Yogyakarta is very easy to reach with a large vehicle such as a bus.

The location of the Merapi volcano Park is also easy to find, you can use a GPS or Google Maps to get to this place. Even you can easily find this place just by heading in the direction of tourist attractions in Kaliurang and follow the signpost pointing the way to a "Museum of the Merapi Volcano" in the area of Jalan Kaliurang km. 21 and Kaliurang road km. 25.

With business hours or hours open from 09.00-16.30 WIB. Open every day except Tuesday.

To enter you need to just Park in the volcano issued Rp 15,000/person. The price of admission to this Park in the volcano goes for a two-year-old to the top. Children under two years of age are not charged admission, alias free. In addition to the price of admission in the Volcano Park you have to pay, of course you need to pay parking tickets in accordance with the vehicle you bring.

Facilities in The World Landmarks

Public facilities provided at The World Landmarks in the Volcano Park of Jogja is quite complete, even though The World Landmarks in the Volcano Park Tour belongs to the latest still of Jogja in Yogyakarta.

You can find unique gazebo gazebo next to the location of the spacecraft. You can leverage this gazebo for rest as well as the provision of food or eating the food you buy at these sights. In addition there is also a cafe that sells a variety of food and drinks. This Cafe will play you a variety of songs that can be enjoyed by all ages.

If you feel hungry because it hasn't had time to eat before travelling, there is a restaurant which will provide a variety of delicious food at an affordable price. But because this tour is still classified as new, yet many restaurants open around the tourist spots.

Facilities in other public facilities like surau and toilet is available with enough. You don't have to worry about lag time prayers or finding a public toilet while travelling in this place. However make sure that you continue to maintain the cleanliness of these sights to keep seems clean and comfortable to travel.

You can also complement your tour by visiting the tourist attractions in Kaliurang Cangkringan Merapi volcano Lava tours. Lots of rides that you can visit this area.